2023 Graduation Service (May 21). Congratulation Addyson, Mike, and Matthew on their graduation and huge achievement. We proud of you all.

2023 Easter (Easter Egg Hunt@April 8, Good Friday Service@April 7, and Easter Service@April 9)

Playground Dedication Service (April 2nd, 2023)

Ash Wednesday (February 22nd, 2023)

Fat Tuesday (February 21st, 2023)

Christmas Shoeboxes Packing (Oct 22)

Graduation Sunday (May 22nd)

Lenten Study Group

Purple cloth on the cross

2021 VBS

Lenten Study

Ash Wednesday Service (Drive-in)

Operation Christmas Shoebox (NOV. 23)

Prayer Warrior Meeting

Operation Christmas Shoe Boxes (October 4th)

Emma’s Wedding (September 5th)

2020 Vacation Bible school at Home

Emma Johnson Preaching on August 9th